After discussing TCOM 1 and TCOM 2 with friends (usually older than 65) it has become apparent that I've been living in another universe from them. They either don't know the acronyms or can't imagine them. OMG!! So here are the abbreviations, acronyms and weird words from TCOM 1 and TCOM 2
Ack - Positive Acknowledgement. See NACK
AI - Artificial Intelligence or Augmented Intelligence
AKA - Also Known As
ASAP - As Soon as Possible
A-types - AIs, for general management duties, their technology is generally unsuitable for outside service
ATV - All-Terrain Vehicle
BOD - Beneficial Occupancy Date
BTW - By the Way
B-Types - AIs, their technology is specialised for exploration/general purpose Worker Bees
C7 - a military rifle (Canadian version of the US Army AR-15), probably taken from Orion
C&C - Command and Control
C&S - Command and Status
CAO - Chief Administrative Officer
CB - Chasma Borealis
CERN - Conseil Européen pour la Recherche Nucléaire
CHM - Command and Habitation Module
CPU - Central Processing Unit
CRT - Cathode Ray Tube, of the technological level of the Orion mission
CSA - Canadian Space Agency
C-types - AIs, their technology is specialised for the construction of Habs, roads, look-off, Condos, Wal-marts, etc
CV - Curriculum Vitae
dBm - decibel-milliwatts
DO - Duty Officer
DOB - Date of Birth
Ds - Diagnostics
D-Types - small AIs with limited intellectual capabilities, their design and construction specialised for inside maintenance, unsuitable for outside service
Emonths - Earth Months, approx half as long as Mars months
EMP - Electromagnetic Pulse
EMF - Electromotive Force
Epub - Electronic Publication
ESA - European Space Agency
ESMS - Environment Status Monitoring Systems
E-types - AIs, their design and construction specialised for inside domestic duties/services, unsuitable for outside service
ETD - Estimated Time of Departure
Eyears - Earth Years, approx half as long as a year on Mars
FF - Fast Fusion
FO - Fibre Optic (communications)
fread - functionally read, like MRI, except one’s thoughts, mood and intentions can be discerned
FYI'nA - for your information and action and, when desired, ‘effing a-hole
GDP - Gross Domestic Product
GM - Genetically Modified
GP - General Purpose (Computer)
GPR - Ground Penetrating Radar
to grok (verb) - how Martians understood others, each other and things, as per Heinleins' Stranger in a Strange Land
GUI - Graphical User Interface
Habs - Habitations suitable for humans to live in for extended periods of time
HSP - High Speed Port
HMI - Human Machine Interface
HUD - Heads-up Display
ID - Identity
IP - Internet Protocol
IR - Infrared
K - OK
LA - Los Angeles
LIDAR - Light Detection and Ranging
LOS - Line of Sight, on Mars, typically less than 4 km to the horizon
LP - Local Port
LSU - Life Support Unit
MAPI - Major Aresologic (Martian) Point of Interest
Matrix - the Internet
MEC - Mass-Energy Converter
M-E-M Converter - Mass to Energy to Mass Converter
MGPS - Mars Global Positioning System
MHM - Main Habitation Module
Milliseconds - one millisecond (.001) is one thousandth of a second
MGS - Mars Global Surveyor
MPD - Multiple Personality Disorder aka Dissociative Identity Disorder
NACK - Negative Acknowledgement
NSV - New Silicon Valley
OMG - Oh My God, I think
OMFG IFRZN RFC here in FVB TTYL - really? Oh My 'effing God. I'm Frozen. Really 'effing Cold here in 'effing Vastitas Borealis. Talk To You Later
OPI - Office of Primary Interest
PDA - Personal Data Assistant
PO - Piss-off
PO'd - Pissed off
POB - Place of Birth
POF - Point of Fact
POV - Point of View
PTB - Powers That Be
R&F - Rich and Famous
RR&F - Really Rich and Famous
RRR&F - Really, Really, Rich and Famous
RadMon - Radiation Monitor
ROAK - Reservoir of All Knowledge (Wikipedia)
ROV - Remote Operated Vehicle
RV - rendezvous
SatCom - Satellite Communications
SBP - Standard Business Practice
SCADA - Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition
SETI - Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence
Sievert - a unit of radiation
SF - Science Fiction
SOB - yep, you're right
Sol - Earth's Sun
TBD - To Be Determined
TCP - Tenocyclidine, or did I dream it?
TMSN - Type Model Serial Number
TOC - Table of Contents
UFO - Unidentified Flying Object
VHF, UHF, SHF, and EHF - Very High, Ultra High, Super High and Extremely High Frequency
UP - Utopia Planitia
UT - Universal Time aka Greenwich Mean Time (GMT)
VB - Vastitas Borealis
Visi-Stim or VisiStim - a 'virtual reality' system for human entertainment
VSWR - Voltage Standing Wave Ratio
WTF - yes, that's it